Links we like
Reiki Energy Massage : Come for a deeply relaxing Reiki Energy Massage and be well...
Asian Healing Arts Center :: At Asian Healing Arts Center we use a combination of several oriental holistic healing techniques which are all non-invasive and require no machines for diagnoses and no drugs for treatment.
These tried and proven techniques are as much ART as Science. They restore your natural energy fields and healing powers. The combined sessions of ABET and Reiki generate a deep relaxation (and healing) and have a positive effect on your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
Have a look at this website for more detailed information about what we do and who we are.
The New Life Foundation, under the Patronage of H.R.H. The Princess Mother :: H.R.H. The Princess Mother ~ Since its establishment in 1964, the objectives of this foundation are to assist and help rehabilitate patients who have recovered from Leprosy and from Mental Disorders. The foundation helps them to learn how to lead a normal life and happily find jobs that make them stand on their own feet.
For over 58 years, this non-religious organisation has been taking care of some 4600 underprivileged Thais with a physical or mental handicap by setting up special villages for them including 2 Senior Homes which can accommodate 60 persons each as well as kindergartens and a scholarship fund.
Reiki Energy Massage, Asian Bio-Energetics : Reiki Energy Massage, Asian Bio-Energetics, Foot reflexology and Japanese Shiatsu massage in English and French.
Nous proposons sur Chiangmai, dans le nord montagneux de la Thaïlande, des séances de Reiki, de Bio-Energie d’Asie, de Réflexologie plantaire et de Massage Japonais Shiatsu.
Cranio Sacral Therapy : …Integration into all forms of hands on body work, including nursing, kinetic energy work, traditional thai massage, physical therapy, Feldenkreist therapy, dentistry, care-giving, acupressure, chiropractic, and for lay workers, ...
The concept of integrated Gentle Touch can be utilized and developed as an adjunct to the professional body-workers existing skills and repertoire.
Permaculture : Growing your food the Permaculture way (with integrated sustainability). Go and visit the Permaculture site in Maetaeng (every Tuesday is open house).
This organisation also offers regular Permaculture Design Courses.
Jiaogulan herbal tea for your health and wellbeing ::
This English website which will give you more details about this wonderful product.
Pour obtenir ces renseignements en Francais, veuillez visiter ce site ~ :: a website in French about Jiaogulan and Mulberry herbal teas, Energised Aromatherapy products for health and beauty, and other wonderful natural products :: Composting, a viable alternative to burning...
To reduce the widely-spread burning in Chiangmai, we started to collect leaves and garden refuse in our village and teach and motivate the villagers to make their own organic compost.